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  Home > Seasons > Season 1986 > Rule changes
Rule changes for 1986
Group A championshipNew championship was created for drivers of Group A cars. For points scoring in this new championship refer to championship points section of 1986.
Championship scoringPoints scoring scale in manufacturers championship changes slightly though composite of overall position and group position is retained, points from both categories are added to get total tally. Only best placed car of each manufacturer scored even if a car in lower position would have gained more points. Additionally, only cars finishing in top-10 positions overall scored (even if within top-8 in the group).

Overall position scoring:
1st = 12 pts
2nd = 10 pts
3rd = 8 pts
4th = 7 pts
5th = 6 pts
6th = 5 pts
7th = 4 pts
8th = 3 pts
9th = 2 pts
10th = 1 pt

Group position scoring:
1st = 8 pts
2nd = 7 pts
3rd = 6 pts
4th = 5 pts
5th = 4 pts
6th = 3 pts
7th = 2 pts
8th = 1 pt

Points scoring for new Group A championship was based on overall position in Group A:
1st = 8 pts
2nd = 7 pts
3rd = 6 pts
4th = 5 pts
5th = 4 pts
6th = 3 pts
7th = 2 pts
8th = 1 pt

In addition, points were awarded according to overall position in a category of which there were three (up to 1300cc, 1300-2000cc and over 2000cc):
1st = 10 pts
2nd = 8 pts
3rd = 6 pts
4th = 5 pts
5th = 4 pts
6th = 3 pts
7th = 2 pts
8th = 1 pt
Championship registrationIn order to be eligible to score points in Manufacturers championship, team was required to register at the beginning of the season. Team also had to register their qualifying drivers beforehand and only points from registered drivers were added to total for that team.
Rally and stage lengthsAfter Corsica, stage length cannot exceed 30 kilometers. Also rally duration was recommended to be reduced.
Group B evolutionsAfter Corsica, no new Group B evolution homologations could take place.
Skirts are bannedAfter Corsica skirts (any aerodynamic devices under the car) are banned.
Automatic fire extinguishersAfter Corsica, Group B rally cars were required to have automatic fire extinguisher systems installed.